10:00 AM10:00

Ladies Bible Study Begins

Hello, ladies!

This spring our women’s Bible study will go through the books of Ruth and Esther! Come join us as we grow together in our knowledge and love for God. 

We will meet on Wednesdays for 7 weeks beginning on March 5th. Both a morning and an evening study are available.

  •  Every Wednesday from March 5th - April 16.

  • The morning Bible study is from 9–11am. Childcare is available for younger children.

  • The evening Bible study is from 6:30–8:30pm at CBC. In addition to the adult tables, there is a teen girls table (ages 14 and up) and a young adults table. 

  • The cost of the study is $15. We will provide your books on the first day of class.

  • Childcare is $25 per child, with a maximum of $50 total for two or more children. You can pay by selecting the childcare add-on in the registration process. Please make sure to indicate this prior to the first day of the study.

We look forward to seeing you at the study and growing together in Christ! If you have any questions please reach out at

We look forward to seeing you!

Ani Toma

Ladies Ministry Director

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4:00 PM16:00

Men's Paintball Night

Men of CBC! 

Join us for a men's paintball night at Cowtown Paintball! Don't miss your chance to bond with other men, enjoy some friendly competition, and shoot Randy with a paintball gun! 

Date: March 14th
Time: 4-7 PM
Address: 10402 W Carefree Hwy, Peoria, AZ 85383
Cost: $25

Cost includes:

  • Paintball gun

  • Goggles

  • Helmet

  • Chest protector

  • Air tank and air

  • Hopper with 250 paintballs 

  • Pizza for dinner

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to Jul 25

Youth Group Summer Camp

Calling all CBC Youth Students!

Join us up north for Summer Camp! This July, CBC will attend a summer camp with other like minded churches in the Valley! Lessons taught by local Valley pastors, fun games, and all the classic Summer Camp goofiness students can handle! The theme this year is "God's King After God's Heart," and we will study the life of King David in 1st and 2nd Samuel, and how he points us to the ultimate King and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

When: July 21th, 2025 - July 25th, 2025
Where: Grand View Camp, North Eastern Arizona
Who: Incoming 7th graders - Graduated Seniors
Price: $500 - price is all inclusive, (food, transportation to the camp, etc.) $100 deposit secures your spot! 

Camp Activities include:
Hiking, Mountain Biking, Paintball, Archery Range, Slingshot Range, Climbing Wall, Grand Oasis Waterfront, Low Ropes Obstacle Course, Basketball, Volleyball, Snack Shop, Coffee Shop, Ping Pong, Foosball, Carpet Ball, 9-Square, and Gaga Pit.

Camp Speakers:
Kevin Schneider - Trinity Bible Church, Summer Camp Director

Cole Peck - Pastor of Discipleship, Camelback Bible Church

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7:00 AM07:00

Family Fun Day!

Join CBC as we head out to community! We will be holding a family fun day at Westwing Park on February 22 from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. There will be snacks, cotton candy, face painting, inflatables and a chance to engage others in our community. It will great fun for the family and a great opportunity to share the joy of Christ with our neighbors!

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6:30 PM18:30

Men's Bible Study Begins!

Hello, men of CBC!

A fruitful life begins with meditation on the Word of God: "His delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season" (Ps. 1:2-3). We are meant to meditate individually, of course, carving out time each day to be refreshed by God's truth. But meditation is also a community project. We are meant to reflect on God's Word together. Scripture is too vast to see all there is by ourselves: we need other eyes. We need others to point out the treasures of Scripture and help us see their relevance to our lives. Men's ministry is a standing invitation to meditate on the Word of God with other men at CBC. We gather to read, reflect, discuss, debate, analyze, and apply God's word that we might become better men. This spring we will be exploring the book of Exodus. We will consider some of the most important events in Israel's history, her central institutions, and her laws. You are invited to come and grow with us!

1. Exodus 15:22-17:16: Bread in the Wilderness (2/18)

2. Exodus 18:1-19:25: Encountering the LORD at Sinai (3/4) 

3. Exodus 20:1-21: The Ten Commandments (3/18)

4. Exodus 21:1-24:18: Righteous Laws and Covenant Ratification (4/1)

5. Exodus 25:1-27:21: The Sanctuary of the LORD (4/8)

6. Exodus 28:1-30:38: The Ministry of the Priests (4/22)

7. Exodus 32:1-34:35: Idolatry and Moses’ Intercession (4/29)

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8:30 AM08:30

CBC Ladies Hike

Dear CBC Ladies,

Please join us on Saturday, February 8, 2025 for a refreshing morning hike and light continental breakfast thereafter at the bottom of the mountain at our nearby Deem Hills Community Park / Recreation Area. We will be hiking the Ridgeline Trail. It is a moderate 1.5-mile hike that takes approximately  60-90  minutes  to  complete  at  a  casual  pace.  Of course, you can go at your own pace!.

We  will  be  meeting  at  8:30am  at the parking  lot next to the dog park at 5050 W. Andrea Ln.  If you are unable to hike but would like to join us for breakfast we would love to see you.  Please RSVP online.

Thank you.


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12:15 PM12:15

GAP and GRO Discipleship Program


Are you interested in growing in your faith and taking the next steps in your walk with Christ? Then the GAP and GRO groups are exactly what you are looking for. They are designed to help Christians spend time together with the goal of helping to grow in Christian maturity and confidence in Christ. More information about each group is below but if these groups are something you may be interested then join us for our information meeting following second service on January 12th.

What is GAP? 

It is an acronym that stands for Gods Alternate Plan. It is a program meant to bring 8-10 men/women together who want to walk according the plan of God rather than according to the wisdom of the world.

What should I expect?

  • Have a desire to become more Christlike

  • Meet one evening a month for 3 hours

  • Read one book a month on selected topic, write a one-page summary

  • Memorize one verse a month and do a study on it

  • Review 7-character qualities each month, write a paragraph on two 

  • Participate in group discussions

  • Share life stories

  • Attend all meetings and complete assignments

What will I learn? Participating in GAP is designed to help you answer the following questions:

  • How do I get a better understanding of God’s plan for my life?

  • Why do I act and respond the way I do?

  • Do I trust in God more or do I have a fear of man more?

  • What does it mean and how do I have a healthy family? 

  • How can I create and develop a plan for my life?

  • How do I love my wife or husband?

  • How do I set healthy boundaries in my life?

  • What does a healthy church look like? 

  • How do I stay strong in a changing culture? 

What is GRO?

It is an acronym that stands for Genuine Resolute Obedience. It is a program meant to bring 8-10 men/women together who want to grow in their faith and obedience to God.

What should I expect?

  • To have a desire to become more Christlike

  • Meet one evening a month for 3 hours

  • Read one book a month on selected topic, write a one-page summary

  • Memorize one verse a month and do a study on it

  • Review a Fruit of the Spirit and learn how to apply it to your life

  • Participate in group discussions

  • Share life stories

  • Attend all meetings and complete assignments

What will I learn? Participating in GRO is designed to help you answer the following questions:

  • How do I go about to change my life to be more like Christ?

  • Is there anything beyond the “tyranny of the urgent” so I can have peace?

  • What is the secret to living a more abundant life?

  • How can I get a clearer understanding of the magnitude of Jesus’ love?

  • How can I be a leader in my home, workplace and church?

  • How can I learn to mentor more like Jesus?

  • What does it take to be more Christlike in all aspects of my life?

  • How can I become more patient, and less angry?

  • What does it mean to trust God more, instead of only trying to please Him?

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6:00 PM18:00

Ladies Christmas Party

Women's Christmas Potluck Party

Sunday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m.

Ani Toma's house
6290 W Parkside Ln, Glendale, AZ 85310

All the church ladies are invited to a night of fellowship at Ani Toma's house on Sunday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m. 6290 W Parkside Ln, Glendale, AZ 85310. Please invite your friends, neighbors and teen girls as all ladies are WELCOME! Britt Short will lead a short Christmas Devotional at the event to help us remember the reason for the Season, JESUS! 

This event is free to attend and there will not be a gift exchange. Please sign up so we know how many will attend and feel free to bring whatever dish you want for the dinner.

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12:30 PM12:30

Cookies Crafts and Caroling

Following service on December 8th all kids are invited to stick around and join us for some cookies, crafts, and then caroling. We will have pizza for lunch, cookies and crafts to decorate, and then all of us will join in going out to carol at a few homes and a retirement center. 

The event should be wrapped up by 3pm. We hope you are able to join us for this annual CBC tradition!

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6:30 PM18:30

Congregational Meeting

We have some exciting new developments coming in early 2025 that we want to share with you! Our hope is that in sharing you will be able to be praying specifically for our church as we prepare for these developments. Join us Friday, December 6th, at 6:30PM for a short meeting to talk through the first quarter of 2025 and what the Lord is preparing for us. The meeting will last about 30 minutes and will have time for questions and answers. We hope you are able to join us!

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to Nov 10

Ladies Fall Retreat

Hello Ladies,

Our annual Ladies Retreat up in Prescott is almost here! We look forward to relaxing & having great fellowship while we relish the cooler weather. I want to first give a shout out to thank our planning committee: Margaret, Isabel, Susanne, Lisa and Feli! These worker-bee ladies have planned the whole weekend with a wonderful menu and fun activities for you all to enjoy as we find encouragement in God’s word together. 

Prices will increase after October 1st so please RSVP online to reserve your spot to account for meals and activities that will be provided! Please pack light and no need to worry about bringing food (unless you have a favorite snack). If you can, please bring a sleeping bag or inflatable mattress - that would be helpful!


Ani Toma

Retreat information:

  • Ladies' Retreat Date: November 8-10, 2024

  • Location: Prescott (125 Partridge Lane, Prescott, AZ 85303)

  • Cost for the entire weekend: $65 before Oct. 1st, $75 after Oct. 1st (home made meals included)

  • Cost for one day stay: $35 before Oct. 1st, $45 (home made meals included)

  • Who can come? All ladies and daughters 14 years old and up

Packing List:

  • Bible

  • Toiletries

  • Comfy clothing

  • Your own pillow

  • Blanket or sleeping bag

  • Sneakers or comfy shoes to walk around the lake or downtown

If you have a blow up mattress, would you please bring it and let Susanne know if you do so we can assure that we have plenty of sleeping areas.

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6:00 PM18:00

Membership Class and Dinner

Have you been attending CBC and want to know more about the church or how to get more involved? This meeting is for you! We will be having dinner on Friday, October 18th, at the church and are inviting anyone who is interested in becoming a member to come and join us. You will be able to hear about the history of CBC, what we believe as a church, and get a better understanding of who we are as a church.

We will meet at the church at 6:00 pm for dinner and will also provide childcare for those that have children. Please register so that we make sure we have enough food and childcare workers. If you have any questions just let me know.

In Christ,

CBC Elders

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7:30 AM07:30

Men's Hike and Breakfast


Join us for a hike at Thunderbird Mountain followed by breakfast (at George Botea's house)! Enjoy fellowship, Arizona weather that isn't 100 degrees, and the chance to get some good exercise in! 

We will meet at the Pinnacle Peak Trailhead which is the entrance just south of Pinnacle Peak and 55th avenue. If you need help getting more direct directions send an email to Paul at

Make sure to bring water and wear athletic gear! See you there! 

October 12th, 7:30 AM

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4:00 PM16:00

CBC TURNS 10! Celebrate with us!

CBC is turning 10 years! Join us as we celebrate all that God has done at CBC and celebrate with us! We will have food, activities for all ages, some friendly competitions, and most of all the people of CBC gathered to rejoice in the provision of our God over the years.

The celebration will be held at the Toma Ranch (7366 W Villa Lindo Dr. Peoria, Arizona 85383) from 4:00PM - 7:30PM on Sunday, October 6.

Mark your calendars and join us for this exciting time!

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to Sep 28

Unite: A Gospel Conference for Churches in Grove

  • Google Calendar ICS

Sign up today for and join other members of CBC as we join with fellow churches across Arizona to find encouragement in our common salvation through Christ Jesus! 

UNITE: Together for the Mission of God

Welcome to UNITE: Together for the Mission of God, a gathering designed for Christians across the state of Arizona. Our vision is to rally believers around core essentials in the gospel so we can be inspired and equipped for God's mission. Join us at Trinity Bible Church for a two-part conference filled with worship, teaching, and sweet fellowship with other Christ-followers from other similar local churches. In a fracturing age of division, this event is a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for treasuring Christ in all of life. Don't miss out on this chance to be encouraged and empowered for the mission of God!

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6:00 PM18:00

Ice Cream and Pajamas Family Movie Night

Put on your PJs and come on down to church on September 13th for a family movie night in the sanctuary. We will have an ice cream social and also make popcorn for everyone.

The movie we are planning on watching is Babe, the classic 90s family movie. We hope you can join us!

When: September 13th, 6 PM
Where: Christ Bible Church
Cost: FREE! 

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6:00 PM18:00

GAP/GRO Discipleship Group Information Meeting

Are you interested in growing in your faith and taking the next steps in your walk with Christ? Then the GAP and GRO groups are exactly what you are looking for. They are designed to help Christians spend time together with the goal of helping to grow in Christian maturity and confidence in Christ. More information about each group is below but if these groups are something you may be interested then join us for our information meeting on September 8th at 6pm.

What is GAP? 

It is an acronym that stands for Gods Alternate Plan. It is a program meant to bring 8-10 men/women together who want to walk according the plan of God rather than according to the wisdom of the world.

What should I expect?

  • Have a desire to become more Christlike

  • Meet one evening a month for 3 hours

  • Read one book a month on selected topic, write a one-page summary

  • Memorize one verse a month and do a study on it

  • Review 7-character qualities each month, write a paragraph on two 

  • Participate in group discussions

  • Share life stories

  • Attend all meetings and complete assignments

What will I learn? Participating in GAP is designed to help you answer the following questions:

  • How do I get a better understanding of God’s plan for my life?

  • Why do I act and respond the way I do?

  • Do I trust in God more or do I have a fear of man more?

  • What does it mean and how do I have a healthy family? 

  • How can I create and develop a plan for my life?

  • How do I love my wife or husband?

  • How do I set healthy boundaries in my life?

  • What does a healthy church look like? 

  • How do I stay strong in a changing culture? 

When will it start?

GAP groups will start in October, however there will be an information meeting held on September 8th for those interested in joining. 


What is GRO?

It is an acronym that stands for Genuine Resolute Obedience. It is a program meant to bring 8-10 men/women together who want to grow in their faith and obedience to God.

What should I expect?

  • To have a desire to become more Christlike

  • Meet one evening a month for 3 hours

  • Read one book a month on selected topic, write a one-page summary

  • Memorize one verse a month and do a study on it

  • Review a Fruit of the Spirit and learn how to apply it to your life

  • Participate in group discussions

  • Share life stories

  • Attend all meetings and complete assignments

What will I learn? Participating in GRO is designed to help you answer the following questions:

  • How do I go about to change my life to be more like Christ?

  • Is there anything beyond the “tyranny of the urgent” so I can have peace?

  • What is the secret to living a more abundant life?

  • How can I get a clearer understanding of the magnitude of Jesus’ love?

  • How can I be a leader in my home, workplace and church?

  • How can I learn to mentor more like Jesus?

  • What does it take to be more Christlike in all aspects of my life?

  • How can I become more patient, and less angry?

  • What does it mean to trust God more, instead of only trying to please Him?

When will it start?

GRO groups will start in October, however there will be an information meeting held on September 8th for those interested in joining.

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to Oct 23

Women's Bible Study

Hello, ladies!

This fall our women’s Bible study will go through the book of James! Come join us as we grow together in our knowledge and love for God. 

We will meet on Wednesdays for 8 weeks beginning on September 4th . Both a morning and an evening study are available.

  •  Every Wednesday from September 4th – October 23rd

  • The morning Bible study is from 9–11am. Childcare is available for younger children; PE is available for older children.  

  • The evening Bible study is from 6:30–8:30pm at CBC. In addition to the adult tables, there is a teen girls table (ages 14 and up) and a young adults table. 

  • The cost of the study is $15. We will provide your books on the first day of class.

  • Childcare is $25 per child, with a maximum of $50 total for two or more children. You can pay by selecting the childcare add-on in the registration process. Please make sure to indicate this prior to the first day of the study.

We look forward to seeing you at the study and growing together in Christ! If you have any questions please reach out at

We look forward to seeing you!

Ani Toma

Ladies Ministry Director

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to Jul 28

CBC Annual Camping Trip

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Join us for the Annual CBC Camping Trip! We are excited to return to Sharp Creek Campground and enjoy the cool breezes through the ponderosa pines as we spend a few days together as a group. It is a wonderful time to get to know new people you have not been able to connect with as well as connect with those you have not been able to spend much time in the business of life. We hope you join us for camping or even coming for the day this year!

Where it is:

CBC will have the group campsite from Thursday July 25 through Sunday July 28. People are free to join for any number of those days but it is important to register as space is limited so we need to know who is coming and when to work with the camp host in order to accommodate our larger group. 

The group sites are dispersed throughout a large area. You will need to haul your equipment from your vehicle in the group parking lot up to whatever spot you choose. This can be as close as 25 feet or as much as 50 yards depending on how adventurous of a location you decide in the group area.

We will have shared meals together on Friday night, Saturday for Lunch, and Saturday for dinner as well as provide muffins, bagels for breakfast on Sunday morning. CBC covers the cost of the campground but we do ask that those joining us sign up to contribute some supplies as well as help cook for one of the shared meals so that we can enjoy large shared meals together.

There is lots of hiking, lakes for swimming or fishing, forests to run through and activities that will ensure it is a great time for all. The campground has improved toilets, drinking water, electricity at the ramada for cooking and lights, ramada area that seats six 10-person picnic tables, several grills, improved firepits with large concrete pad surrounding it, and a large field directly in front of the group area for volleyball, spike ball, frisbee and any other games you want to play.

What you should bring:

For yourself - tent or trailer for sleeping, Bible, personal care, sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, raincoat, sneakers or hiking shoes, bottled water & snacks, camping chairs, lanterns, flashlights, sun shades, seat cushions  (for seating at a picnic table).

For fun - Volleyball, frisbee, cards, football, board games, music instruments, Sudoku

For little kids - plastic play pools for water or sand

We also need people to help bring firewood so if you can bring some with you please let us know so we make sure we have enough for the weekend.

Alternative lodging if needed:

The camping area is approx 1/2 hour from Payson. Some people have rented hotel rooms there and come to join us for the day. There are several large airbnb cabins in the nearby area as well if several families want to book them together. Simply search ,for Sharp Creek campground on google maps to see how far from various places you might be traveling.

Hope all this information helps and families that cannot camp with us can perhaps still join us at the campgrounds during the day on Saturday!

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to Jul 19

CBC Youth Summer Camp 2024

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Calling all CBC Youth Students!

Join us up north for Summer Camp! This July, CBC will attend a summer camp with other like minded churches in the Valley! Lessons taught by local Valley pastors, fun games, and all the classic Summer Camp goofiness students can handle! During our trip, we will be focusing on the calling in our lives to worship Christ, devote our lives to bringing God glory, and to Follow Him Anywhere! 

When: July 15th, 2024 - July 19th, 2024
Where: Grand View Camp, Northern Arizona
Who: Incoming 7th graders - Graduated Seniors
Price: $500

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5:00 PM17:00

Ladies Luau Pool Party

The ladies ministry at CBC will be hosting a Luau themed potluck and swim party on July 13th. The church will be providing pulled pork with bread rolls as well as drinks and encouraging others to help with the additional sides. There is a sign up to help bring side dishes, fruit, or desert as people are able in the registration link.

The party will be hosted at the Ramey home (6631 W Bent Tree Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85083) and will go from 5:00pm-8:00PM. 

So come join all the ladies for fun, fellowship, and a relief from the AZ heat!

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10:00 AM10:00


VBS 2024 - The Great Jungle Journey!

Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible?

At this VBS, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation. Amid sloths, butterflies, river dolphins, and dart frogs, your children will sail along on a fun jungle cruise, stopping at seven ports of call. These ports are the 7 C’s of History: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. Kids will discover how these events shape our world, and they will learn to reconnect the Bible to their everyday life.

Prepare to swing into fun as we head out on The Great Jungle Journey!

Where: Christ Bible Church

When: Saturday, June 15th

Time: 10 am - 1 pm

Who: Ages 3 years old- 4th grade (children must be potty trained)

Cost: $10 includes lunch and Kona Ice! 


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6:00 PM18:00

Men's Pool Party

Come join the men of CBC for an evening of food and fun at the Oltman house on June 7th! We will eat, we will swim, and if all goes according to plan we will play some pool basketball. Register today so we have a headcount for food.

If you have any questions, reach out to Paul at

Oltman Address
10052 West White Feather Lane
Peoria AZ 85383

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11:00 AM11:00

Sky Zone Family Day

You are invited to the CBC family day at SkyZone. Bounce on in and enjoy a fun time at the trampoline park for all ages! We will be gathered there from 11 am to 1 pm. The cost is $20 per person, register today!

Address: 9040 W Larkspur Dr, Unit 134, Peoria, AZ 85381, United States

Cost: $20

Time: 11 am - 1 pm

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6:00 PM18:00

New Member Information Dinner

Have you been attending CBC and want to know more about the church or how to get more involved? This meeting is for you! We will be having dinner on Friday, May 10th, at the church and are inviting anyone who is interested in becoming a member to come and join us. You will be able to hear about the history of CBC, what we believe as a church, and get a better understanding of who we are as a church.

We will meet at the church at 6:00 pm for dinner and will also provide childcare for those that have children. Please register so that we make sure we have enough food and childcare workers. If you have any questions just let me know.

In Christ,

CBC Elders

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5:30 PM17:30

CBC Doctrine Class - First Session

Grow. Such a simple word, but such a monumental task. At CBC we realize that all of us face the challenge of growing in our understanding of Scripture. This is why CBC will be starting a 6 week class on Sunday Evenings to look at Doctrine.

What is Doctrine? Doctrine is all that the Bible says about a particular topic. We will look at the Bible’s teaching on God, Christ, Scripture, and Salvation. It is sure to be a time that challenges you and brings God into greater focus in your life. 

Our desire is that over the next few years, we would be able to take everyone in the church through this short 6 week class. This will help to keep us doctrinally united. So, whether you have been a believer for decades or a believer for weeks, this class will help you to think Biblically and live in unity with others at CBC.

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6:00 PM18:00

Ladies Game Night

What: A relaxing night of fellowship for all the women in the church ages 18 and and older. Fun time of 1-2 ice-breakers to get to know each other better. Plus, the option of board games and/or socializing afterward. 

What to bring: Please bring an appetizer, meal or dessert although not required. You can also bring a group game if you'd like!

Where: 6877 W Remuda Dr. Peoria 85383

Date: 4/19/24

Time: 6pm- 10pm

RSVP to Liz Toma at (623) 293-1048 if you are coming!

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11:00 AM11:00

Ladies Tea Party

Time For Tea!

CBC Ladies 4th Annual Spring Tea

When: Saturday April 13th, 11 am

Where: Christ Bible Church (sanctuary)

Dress Code: Fancy or Fun Hat

Cost: $10

Food: Finger Sandwiches, Desserts, and Tea will be provided

Hello Ladies,

Something is brewing.... join us at the table for some fun and fellowship at our CBC Annual Ladies Tea! We welcome all our church ladies, teen girls and older included, along with your lady friends/neighbors/colleagues to Tea Time together, enjoy yummy treats and lovely company. We will also have a short devotional from Britt Short to bless us during our fancy girl time! Looking forward to seeing you all. 

A cup of Tea makes everything better!

CBC Ladies Ministry Board

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5:00 PM17:00

Men's Paintball Battle Royale!

Men of CBC! 

Join us for a men's paintball night at Cowtown Paintball! Don't miss your chance to bond with other men, enjoy some friendly competition, and shoot Randy with a paintball gun! 

Date: March 20th
Time: 5-8 PM
Address: 10402 W Carefree Hwy, Peoria, AZ 85383
Cost: $25

Cost includes:

  • Paintball gun

  • Goggles

  • Helmet

  • Chest protector

  • Air tank and air

  • Hopper with 250 paintballs 

  • Pizza for dinner

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8:30 AM08:30

Spring Ladies Hike

Dear CBC Ladies,

Please join us on March 9, 2024 for a refreshing morning hike and light continental breakfast thereafter at the bottom of the mountain at our nearby Deem Hills Recreation Area. We will be hiking the Ridgeline Trail. It is a moderate 1.5-mile hike that takes approximately  60-90  minutes  to  complete  at  a  casual  pace.  Of course, you can go at your own pace!.

We  will  be  meeting  at  8:30am  at the parking  lot next to the dog park at 5050 W. Andrea Ln.  If you are unable to hike but would like to join us for breakfast we would love to see you.  Please RSVP to Susanne @ 623.889.4996. 

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