What is GRO?
It is an acronym that stands for Genuine Resolute Obedience. It is a program meant to bring 8-10 men/women together who want to grow in their faith and obedience to God.
What will I learn?
GRO is designed to help you answer the following questions:
How do I go about to change my life to be more like Christ?
Is there anything beyond the “tyranny of the urgent” so I can have peace?
What is the secret to living a more abundant life?
How can I get a clearer understanding of the magnitude of Jesus’ love?
How can I be a leader in my home, workplace and church?
How can I learn to mentor more like Jesus?
What does it take to be more Christlike in all aspects of my life?
How can I become more patient, and less angry?
What does it mean to trust God more, instead of only trying to please Him?
What should I expect?
To have a desire to become more Christlike
Meet one evening a month for 3 hours
Read one book a month on selected topic, write a one-page summary
Memorize one verse a month and do a study on it
Review a Fruit of the Spirit and learn how to apply it to your life
Participate in group discussions
Share life stories
Attend all meetings and complete assignments
When does it start?
Programs starts every fall and spring. There will be an information meeting on January 12th for those that are interested in joining this spring.