CBC Academy is a Christian homeschool program. Our mission is to help parents educate their children about God’s world within community. CBC Academy meets once a week on Tuesdays for 28 weeks from August to May.
The elementary program starts at pre-K through 6th grade students. We also have a junior high program for 7th/8th grade students (please see labeled tab, “Junior High” for more info). There is a nursery available for children under 4 years of age as of September 30th that have an older sibling that is age eligible for the program.
Our desire is to support fellow Christian homeschool families, engage in classically-based education as a community, provide children with opportunities that are more difficult to do in a home-based setting and to enhance subjects that tend to be “materials heavy.”
Included subjects for the elementary program are memory work, science, public speaking, fine arts for all students and writing for 4th-6th graders. Because we are a supplemental homeschool program, core subjects are not covered, such as a complete math curriculum or language arts/grammar. We will also not be teaching children how to read or write. They should be expected to know how to write by the time they enter the writing program in 4th grade.
The morning section of the program starts at 9:00a and end at 12:00p for a lunch hour. The afternoon section of the program is for 4th-6th graders.
We will start the morning with assembly where all the families will gather in the sanctuary for prayer and announcements. We will also go through a passage in Scripture and/or a hymn. Currently, we will be learning various Psalms set to song. After morning assembly, parents will take their children to their classrooms. The classes will be arranged into 3 groups on a rotating schedule to allow for all classes to partake in a fine arts class.
In the classroom, we have hired tutors who will teach and assist in memory work, presentations and science.
Memory work consists of a compilation of facts consisting of Timeline, Latin, English Grammar, Math, History and Geography that is split into 28 weeks. We will also be adding in catechism questions from the New City Catechism. Tutors will teach this information via songs, hand motions, exercises and various other fun activities.
Children will have a presentation segment where they will each be given approximately 3 minutes to present on whatever they want. It can be a show-and-tell with a toy from home, a recitation of a Bible passage, poem, song, etc., a story about an event they experienced such as a birthday, etc. They will be given an optional “Bingo” card with presentation topics and if they choose to do a “black-out” and present on all topics, they will be awarded as “most versatile” public speaker! Presentation hour will also be a time for students to have their snacks when they are not the ones presenting.
There will be an art class for fine arts this year, taught by two separate teachers. One teacher will teach 4th-6th grade and the other will teach preK-3rd grade.
For the science portion, it will be the parent’s expectations to have the reading assignments done before Academy day. The experiments related to the assigned reading will be done in class.
During the lunch hour, families will be given 20 minutes to eat their food. At 12:20, we will have activities available in the fine arts room for the rest of the lunch hour (families will be put on a rotation to oversee the activity room(s)). The assigned activity rooms are because there is unfortunately no playground.
Beginning at 1:00p, 4th-6th graders will go to their writing class. We will be using Institute for Excellence in Writing. (https://iew.com/). The IEW portion of the afternoon class will last approximately one hour long.
Because we believe that community and fellowship matters, we will also have opportunities for additional events. We will have quarterly field trips, moms nights out (and possibly dads nights out).
The week before Christmas break, the children will also have an opportunity to try being an entrepreneur through our Christmas market! During the lunch hour, children (and parents) are encouraged to sell a product they wish and the community will shop at their booths.
If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to our director, Dianne Settlage, via email, academy@christbible.church.